Saturday, March 26, 2011

No one cares about me...

Ethan refused to eat lunch. (and breakfast too, for that matter.)

I gave him an ultimatum.

Eat your lunch or go to bed.

He chose bed.

While laying in his bed, whining about how no one cares about me, I heard this:


"No one cares about me.

No one.

Only Nonny cares about me.

'Cuz she gets me McDonald's whenever I want it."


Who needs girls??!!
I got plenty of drama to go around.
P.S. After 5 minutes of a good cry, he chose lunch. Smart choice.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I just HAD to share this picture I took tonight while Ethan spent a whopping 3 minutes coloring!


It's obvious that I'm feeling a little nostalgic for their baby days. Reality has sunk in and I know that my baby days are over. Now, instead of finding baby rattles, pacifiers and diapers, his room has suddenly begun the transformation into a preteen room. I look around and there are collections of things. Shells. Rocks. Erasers. Trinkets. NOTES FROM GIRLS!! His cork board used to be covered in cards from grandparents and drawings of his own. Now, his cork board is covered in pictures of his friends, 100% papers, and more obvious proof that he's growing up. It's a scary thought, but I'm buckled in and I'm ready for the ride. I guess I have to be. There's now turning back now.

Learn How to Speak Ethan

When Ethan was two, he was hesitantly referred for speech services. I never took him because I saw a continual improvement. Now that's he's four, there are still some speech issues, but I'm honestly not ready to fix them yet. His language is unique, just like he is. His language makes me and those around him laugh. I'm clinging on tightly to these last moments of baby talk.



These are the latest of his 'mix ups' and quite honestly, my favorites!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

4 Wishes for You.

There are four things I wished for you tonight as you blew out your candles...

1. Lots of laughs

2. Lots of love

3. Lots of happy memories

4. Lots more wishes