Thursday, June 30, 2011

Beach Bums

We don't have salty air, warm aqua water or even a resemblance of a real wave, but it's water nonetheless! During the Midwest's hot and humid summer, we'll take what we can get. A dirty lake is about the closest thing we have to the beach and these two boys didn't seem to mind. They got to swim, swim, play in the sand and swim some more. All in all, we went home full of sand, a little more tan and VERY TIRED! Seems like a good day!!

Don't oooh and ahhh over the picture below. Don't let the arms around each other fool you. That boy you see, looking so protective of his younger brother is doing just the opposite. He's slowly walking him out to the deep water. "Just to see if he can reach." That smaller boy you see, he's clinging to the waist of his older brother, pleading for his life. "No, Mas-yew, I can't weach. Mom told you to stop. You hear her?!" Can you hear the evil laugh coming from that older boy?! Yep, trust me. I heard it. That was my clue that it was time to go home.

This little boy was asleep in less than 5 minutes.

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