Saturday, April 10, 2010


Let me set the scene...
Matthew has had a tooth, hanging by a thread, for several days. Last night we convinced him to do something fun to get it out, once and for all. He was very excited about having his tooth pulled by a remote controlled car. Well, I had the video camera ready, the car ready, and after several attempts, I had his tooth all tied up. Twice, Matthew decided to touch the string, which made it fall off. (It took at least 5 minutes to retie it each time.) Well...We were locked and loaded. We test drove the car back and forth a few times and his smile was larger than life. This was it. As I pushed record on the video camera, I pushed forward on the remote control car...guess what!?! The car battery died!!!! He was devastated and immediately started crying/ I did what every mother would have done and I YANKED THE STRING!! POP! OUT CAME THE TOOTH!! STILL TIED TO THE STRING!! Still recording, I followed him to the bathroom to videotape the aftermath (ie., screaming, crying, bleeding, freaking out, yelling about how mean I was, laughing, etc.) and wouldn't ya know it...THE CAMERA BATTERY DIED...LOSING THE WHOLE THING!!! was funny...we did get the tooth out and the tooth fairy came. All in all...all parties are happy!

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