Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Party With PreK!

Ethan had his preschool party last Thursday and I got to go!! It was a HOOT to see him with his friends and in his classroom. He's really loving his teachers and his school! I love how he comes home after school and shares his stories about Jesus. I love how I catch him singing songs about Jesus, letters and other random things he's learned in school. I love how excited he was to see me walk into his party!! This made my day!!

When Ethan opened his gift, he did a couple fist pumps and said, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" He was so excited to get Matchbox cars. Ya gotta love that!
Even better, you can't tell by the smile on his face that he had quite an allergic reaction to something while we were at the party! He didn't even eat his cake!! This kid's joy never matter what!

1 comment:

Katie P said...

I had the best visual of his face lighting up when you walked in the room. I cannot wait to be a room mom!

Oh, and I'd like to call dibs on all of Ethan's hand-me-downs. I love that sweater! ;)